Friday, June 26, 2009

The garden grows!

Well our little garden isn't so little anymore. All this rain has made it explode into abundance. These shots were taken a couple weeks ago and it's even bigger now. The tomatoes are really going strong, as are the sunflowers, climbing sweet peas, herbs and squash. Pics of those to come next week. For now, it's all about the arugula, spinach and pretty flowers.



RIP to our beloved Black Locust Tree. Sob. Our landlords had it planted last fall and we all waited patiently to see what it would do come Spring. Well, just when we thought she hadn't made it through the winter, she started growing cute little leaves and we all rejoiced! And then she bloomed beautiful, white, sweet smelling flowers that wafted through the air and into our house. So sweet in fact, that a big fat coon thought the flowers were fruit and decided one night to climb it and investigate. Well his fat ass snapped our tree in half and we awoke the next morning, in horror, to find the top half, blooms and all, lying on the grass. Devastating. Surprisingly, the bottom half continues to flourish. That Black Locust..she's a fighter! So we'll see what happens and if she doesn't thrive, then another tree will be planted in the fall.

Here she is, in all her glory. Jean took the beautiful macro shots.


  1. Beautiful. I want to eat everything. Like a tubby raccoon.

  2. ya gotta know what Dad would suggest doing about that critter...wan
